Top websites

Mymaths online – Mathematics games and activities – Your maths teachers can help you with login details

Khan academy – Lessons & online tutorials in  Maths, Science, Economics, History & more.
Crashcourse on Youtube – History, Chemistry, Biology
ABC Splash – 100s of amazing videos & cool interactive games that help you learn.
Funbrain – Maths, Reading, Fun playground
Lumosity – Brain training activities. Improve your memory, concentration and speed!

On Target Study


Year 12 On Target study afternoons
Monday to Thursday until 5.00
Get in the zone. Meet some study buddies. Practice past Trial HSC papers

NESA Assessment Resource Centre

Study Skills Handbook

Username: foroakhillonly

Password: 41results

Handy for memory tips, time management, stress, exam techniques, managing distractions and lots more.

study skills