Understanding Places and Liveability

The end in mind writing an Extended response

Discuss the factors that make your chosen city liveable

A starting point …

Geography NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Stage 4 Years 7 and 8 textbook Chapter 7

Here is the reference in APA format
Boddy, A. (2016). Geography NSW syllabus for the Australian curriculum stage 4 years 7 and 8 pack (textbook and interactive textbook). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1. What aspects of Place and liveability interests you?

2. Explore ONE country Canada, Germany, Austria, Finland or New Zealand

Click HERE for a video demonstration of information tools

Look up your country. Where is it? Find out some basics Population, climate

Now let’s be a smarter Google searcher?

Get specific in your searching

eg. “Global liveability survey”

“Why New Zealand is a great place to live 2021”

“housing affordability and New Zealand”

Now for some academic writing

eg. Finland and education

Handy websites

Choose ONE city Vienna, Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary, Adelaide, Perth, Auckland, Helsinki or Hamburg.

Get to know your city. Use the information tools from Immerse.

Referencing at Oakhill Video tutorial

Search terms “Reasons why Singapore is a great place to live”

“Living in Singapore pros and cons”

Use Citemaker to acknowledge the source of your information

Locate and select TWO sources of primary and secondary information on your city. Take notes on your scaffold.

Search terms “problems with living in Vancouver”

“Cost of living in Helsinki”

Get some specific statistics and quotes

Learn a handy way notetaking method

Clickview videos

Feeling confused? Back to basics
Follow your Guided Inquiry booklet

Boddy, A, et.al. 2016, Geography NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Stage 4 Years 7 and 8 Pack (Textbook and Interactive Textbook)., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.p188-202

Easton, M, & Saldais, M 2013, Big ideas., Oxford University Press, South Melbourne. Pg 186-191

4 ways to Explore your city


2. Be a smart searcher in Google

Why is Singapore a great place to live?”

Problems with living in Singapore

Crime AND Singapore

Infrastructure AND Singapore

Pollution AND Singapore

Transport AND Singapore

Housing affordability AND Singapore


Citemaker to for your APA  Citation