Learning Intention: Understand the different skills & information needed to complete the in-class task.

Success Criteria:

  • I can identify the different information tools available on the library website.
  • I can confidently identify the elements of the C.R.A.P. test to evaluate websites.
  • I understand how to assess and judge the quality of an organisation that youth can go to for help with substance abuse.
  • I can evaluate an AI response using the C.R.A.B.S test
  • I know what an infographic is and can read the information presented in one

Tips for multiple choice

Explore the library webpage

Be aware of all the information tools, how they work and what they look like





Understand your PDHPE workbook. Focus on the topic area ‘It could happen to you’

Short Answer questions

Language of Judgement and Evaluation How do you evaluate a place to go for help?

  1. Is it local?
  2. Is there a phone number to call?
  3. Can you find out about them? Is there an ‘About us’ link?
  4. Is the page easy to navigate? Can you find help easily?

Reading an Infographic: Consider the purpose – what is the main idea? What is the creator trying to tell you? How does the layout help? What are the important words/phrases/statistics?

Tips for short answers

Evaluating websites can be done using the C.R.A.P test.

For example look at Drug and Alcohol information website

Currency – Is it Current?

  • How recent is the information?
  • How recently has the website been updated?
  • Is it current enough for your topic?


  • What kind of information is included in the resource?
  • Is content of the resource primarily opinion?  Is it balanced?
  • Does the creator provide references or sources for data or quotations?


  • Who is the creator or author?
  • What are the credentials? Can you find any information about the author’s background?
  • Who is the published or sponsor?
  • Are they reputable?
  • What is the publisher’s interest (if any) in this information?
  • Are there advertisements on the website? If so, are they cleared marked?


  • Is this fact or opinion? Does the author list sources or cite references?
  • Is it biased? Does the author seem to be trying to push an agenda or particular side?
  • Is the creator/author trying to sell you something? If so, is it clearly stated?

Tips for the extended response

Consider your teachers advice.

You will have a choice of 3 possible extended response questions

Consider creating notes on each one in preparation.

You will not be permitted to bring notes into the exam

Completing a CRABS Test